A lot has happened since then. I married (yes I told her about my nudist background early when we were dating) and joined a family in progress with two young kids. They gradually got to know of my background, and are fine with it (they're now both adults). The wife became more of a home nudist, much to the displeasure of her daughter, but I kept my clothes on around them. They had enough trouble with their father without my "parading around" his kids.
Since then, my career, other hobbies, and family life have kept me extremely busy. Not enough that I don't enjoy sunning myself and swimming naked at least once a week in the back yard I've made completely private. Still visiting nude beaches and resorts, usually alone, when the others are away. She's been to a couple of nude beaches with me, but it just hasn't been her thing to be that way among strangers.
Instead of reposting my Geocities web pages somewhere, I decided it might be more useful to stop singing to the choir and address "non-believers" questions and issues on the subject. I looked around and give that a try at Yahoo Answers (still using the same username and Yahoo E-mail account).
I concentrate on people's questions about nudity and nudism, taking only a few minutes a day when I have time, usually in the morning before work, to answer a few questions. Sometimes giving serious long answers to idle and silly questions (hoping to educate other readers, even if doing so is a waste of time to the asker).
There are a lot of others there I tip my hat to. Some, I know through reading about them from other organizations and web pages, others, I'm "meeting" for the first time.
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