Friday, March 6, 2015

OK... I'm weird.

I admit that I'm weird.  I was born with "the knack".  Or as some would say, "the curse".  This video explains it:

The video hits a bit too close to home.  My parents weren't technical people.  None of my family was.  Yet even as a young boy I was insatiably curious about how things work.  When it came to anything having to do with science, math, or later engineering, I couldn't stop myself.  Yes, I took things apart. Yes, I asked millions of questions.  And yes (hanging my head in shame), like Dilbert, I tore apart TVs and radios and made ham radios out of them before I was 12.  Even as an adult working as an RF (radio frequency) engineer, I kept taking PhD level courses in advanced mathematics, quantum mechanics, and various different sciences and engineering disciplines.

My curiosity wasn't limited to just "things".  I needed to understand what makes people tick.  To that end, I minored in sociology and psychology.  I was the top student in those classes, and my professors were extremely disappointed when they found out that I was an engineering major.

I learned early on that rationalizing human behavior was, and is, a waste of time.  The question of why people can't just be naked around each other nagged me as a kid.  But I knew my mother would tell me "because that's the way it is", which would have driven me crazy.  I eventually realized that people are conditioned by their environment, their culture, their beliefs, and their families to be what they are and to feel what they feel about things.  Most people aren't interested in objectively understanding their behaviors.  And most people aren't interested in what their natural unconditioned behaviors are, or would be.

I believe that accepting what we are and what we look like is, in fact, natural social behavior that we've forsaken to our own peril.   That being ashamed or embarrassed to what we are, is stupid.  And that to be offended by what other people simply are, is mean.   We evolved (or were designed to be) not only compatible with our environment, but to thrive in that environment, without the need, or the desire, to be clothed.  Clothing was an adaptation to our foolishly leaving the climate range our bodies were intended for.  And we've since become a prisoner of that adaptation.

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